Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday Motivation - Stephen Rolfe Powell - Glass Artist

Each Monday I'll publish a post about an artist. Some of the artists will be well-known, highly recognized figures, others will be friends and colleagues; all of them will be people who inspire me both in work and life and thus provide me with my Monday Motivation.

I guess I should start where it all began for me.  I was always an artsy kid.  I loved going to art fairs and museums, I was into dance and music instead of sports, I even took private art lessons when I was still in grade school!  It just seemed to follow naturally that when I went to college, I majored in Studio Art.  I started out focusing on my strengths - painting and drawing.  But there was something special about my college, something no other college nearby could offer.  A fantastic glass program with a world-class instructor.

Stephen Rolfe Powell is that instructor and since 1983 he's been sharing his talent and love of glass with the students of Centre College.  A former Centre student himself, Steve has built an incredible program that is turning out many of today's emerging glass artists.  He is an expert with color and texture and his pieces have received international recognition.  I highly encourage you to check out his website and his recently published book.  If you are in Chicago, stop by Marx-Saunders Gallery to see some of his work in real life.  In addition to being an amazing artist, Steve is also a great mentor.  He genuinely loves what he does and is happy to share his knowledge with anyone that's interested.  Now that's what I call inspiring!


  1. I am near Chicago! Maybe seeing his gallery can be a "day date" for DH and I.

  2. Incredibly fantastic work, you are very lucky to have studied under such a talent.
